Project: TechTrack

TechTrack is a powerful internship/job tracking application that combines the flexibility of a Command Line Interface (CLI) with the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Designed for computing students and professionals, TechTrack helps you manage your internship/job search project by tracking deadlines and information regarding various roles. Its CLI interface is optimized for speed, efficiency, and ease of use, making it a valuable tool for students who are already familiar with CLI environments.

I worked on the backend and documentation. I was mainly in charge of implementation and testing of the new features.


  • New Feature: Add deadline parameter for add command.
    • What it does: User can input deadline for the roles.
    • Justification: The addition of deadline is important to allow the user to have enough time to prepare for the role.
    • Highlights: TechTrack users can now add their deadline. The restriction of deadline must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  • New Feature: Add new salary command to allow the sorting of roles based on salary.
    • What it does: Allow user to see the roles that are the most or least attractive.
    • Justification: This is an important feature from the user point of view as salary is tied closely to the importance of different roles.
    • Highlights: Makes it more friendly for the user to search through different roles.
  • Implementation: Add new OrderParser class to allow order in asc/desc of sorting commands.
    • What it does: Allow developers to easily parse the ORDER for their sorting commands.
    • Justification: The order needs to be either ascending or descending and makes it more OOP by creating a Parser class.
    • Highlights: OOP design to allow more sorting features to develop in the future by accessing this class.
  • Testing: Tests new implementation and class created.
    • What it does: Allow the code to be covered by more tests and making it more robust.
    • Justification: New classes such as OrderParser, Deadline and DeadlineCommand needs to be added to allow the sorting of salary and deadline. Tests need to be written to ensure the accuracy of it by writing assertion.
    • Highlights: Better code coverage and robustness of TechTrack.
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Refactoring: Refactored the address package to the techtrack package #169
      • What it does: The package is changed accordingly to the needs of the application
      • Justification: It will be clearer for future developments
      • Highlights: Refactored AB3 code and tests
    • Enhanced the salary restriction to make it more intuitive for the user #255
    • Add welcome message on startup to let the user know the available commands #118
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Added and provided the UI screenshots of salary asc/desc command.
      • Added restrictions for the role table.
    • Developer Guide:
      • Added implementation, alternatives and limitations for salary and deadline sort.
      • Constructed the sequence diagram of sorting for salary and deadline sort.
      • Added documentation for salary, deadline and view for manual testing.
      • Added the first 7 of NFR section of requirement details.
      • Adjusted and ensure proper formatting of guide.
  • Contributions to Team-based Tasks:
    • Created labels and tags in team repository.
    • Reviewed Pull Requests done by the team and check for correctness of the code.
    • Bug Fixes:
      • Fixed DG bug for the sequence diagram of sorting, where the SalaryCommand and DeadlineCommand object is created before OrderParser.
      • Fixed UG bug to specify that add command will take the latter details if multiple similar parameters is given.
      • Fixed salary bug where salary of zero is allowed.
      • Fixed sorting bug where sorting after filter commands deletes the original list.
  • Review/mentoring contributions
    • Offered useful and feedback with issues and reviewing PRs (examples: 1, 2, 3 )
  • Community:
    • Reported bugs and suggestions for other team (examples: 1, 2, 3 )

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