Project: TechTrack

TechTrack is a powerful internship/job tracking application that combines the flexibility of a Command Line Interface (CLI) with the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Designed for computing students and professionals, TechTrack helps you manage your internship/job search project by tracking deadlines and information regarding various roles. Its CLI interface is optimized for speed, efficiency, and ease of use, making it a valuable tool for students who are already familiar with CLI environments.

I worked on the backend mainly and documentation. I was mainly in charge of implementation and testing.


  • New Feature: Added the salary parameter for add command.
    • What it does: User can input salary for the roles.
    • Justification: The addition of salary is important for any applicant looking to apply for internships/jobs,
      providing them with the information they need to make more informed decisions about their job search.
    • Highlights: TechTrack users can now add salaries of respective roles. salary must be integers/float values and their values must not start with a 0.
  • New Feature: Add a new company command to allow filtering of the company field.
    • What it does: Allows users to filter companies by the keyword specified. e.g. company Google
    • Justification: Filtering by company names is important as it speeds up the process of finding relevant companies that the user is interested in applying for.
    • Highlights: Makes it more friendly for the user to search through different roles. The keyword entered is not case-sensitive.
  • Implementation: Add a new CompanyContainsKeywordPredicate class to check for keywords in the company field.
    • What it does: Allow developers to check for equivalence of keywords and testing.
    • Justification: Follows the original Name command format of AB3 where the Name of the role is filtered by NameContainsKeywordPredicate.
    • Highlights: Allows for a separate, unique predicate checking on keywords parsed to the Company command.
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Refactored all instances of Person to role in all the files.
      • What it does: Renamed all methods, classes and variables that contained person to role.
      • Justification: Roles fits towards TechTrack instead of person in AB3 and would be clearer for future developments.
      • Highlights: Refactored AB3 code and tests.
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Added the $/ parameter for the salary field in the add command
      • Wrote and provided the UI screenshots of company command.
      • Proof-read and edited mistakes in the UG.
    • Developer Guide:
      • Wrote the implementation and alternatives of CompanyCommand.
      • Wrote the implementation of DeleteCommand and its dependencies.
      • Constructed the sequence diagram of CompanyCommand.
      • Added all Use cases for TechTrack v2 commands.
      • Changed all uml diagrams to use role instead of address.
      • Updated the class diagrams to use the current TechTrack role fields.
  • Contributions to team-based tasks:
    • Created several tags in team repository to help manage the work done by the team.
    • Managed and reviewed most of the Pull Requests done by the team.
    • Proof-read documentation to rectify any mistakes done by team members.
    • Facilitated team meetings by planning out what we needed to do for the week.
    • Bug Fixes
      • Fixed UG bug, where command summary was not explained clearly.
      • Fixed multiple UG bugs where grammatical errors were found.
      • Fixed DG bug, where uml diagrams would display wrongly after refactoring the code base.
  • Review/mentoring contributions: Offered useful and feedback reviewing PRs. Examples: 1, 2, 3

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